Dispatch #37 - PPP Loans: Maximizing Forgiveness, Part II

Like any forecast, your PPP forgiveness projection is based on the day’s best available data. Revise your forecast as new information becomes available.
To maximize the forgiven portion of your company’s PPP loan, calculate the historical portions of your workbook now, then forecast forgiveness based on expected eligible expenses during the eight-week disbursement period. Optimize forgiveness and employee benefit.
For more information, view this free CFMA webinar on the topic, which is scheduled to be available tomorrow, Friday, May 7, 2020.

Need help with this or other financial matters faced by construction contractors? Let’s talk!

David Stern CFO makes every effort to provide useful and accurate information. This content, however, is not intended as a substitute for specific business-related financial advice. We disclaim all warranties and liabilities from its use.


Dispatch #38 - Should your construction firm give back its PPP loan?


Dispatch #36 - Maximizing PPP Loan Forgiveness